The "hero's journey" story model is the foundation for half of all Hollywood movies and the majority of the most watched TED talks.

  1. The Ordinary World - The hero’s everyday life is established.
  2. The Call of Adventure - Otherwise known as the inciting incident.
  3. Refusal of the Call - For a moment, the hero is reluctant to take on the challenge.
  4. Meeting the Mentor - Our hero meets someone who prepares them for what lies ahead — perhaps a parental figure, a teacher, a wizard, or a wise hermit.
  5. Crossing the First Threshold - The hero steps out of their comfort zone and enters a ‘new world.’
  6. Tests, Allies, Enemies - Our protagonist faces new challenges — and maybe picks up some new friends. Think of Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road.
  7. Approach to the Inmost Cave - The hero gets close to their goal. Luke Skywalker reaches the Death Star.
  8. The Ordeal - The hero meets (and overcomes) their greatest challenge yet.
  9. Reward (Seizing the Sword) - The hero obtains something important they were after, and victory is in sight.
  10. The Road Back - The hero realizes that achieving their goal is not the final hurdle. In fact, ‘seizing the sword’ may have made things worse for them.
  11. Resurrection - The hero faces their final challenge — a climactic test that hinges on everything they’ve learned over their journey.
  12. Return with the Elixir - Having triumphed, our protagonist returns to their old life. Dorothy returns to Kansas; Iron Man holds a press conference [to blow his own trumpet].
