The CAP summarizes the key points of this course and helps you develop an organized, tailored plan for what’s most important for you to focus on in your unique situation of leading a big change initiative. Refer back to the course to fill in details as needed. Choose the areas you need to focus on and write down the specific actions you’ll take.

Category Activity Is this a focus area for me? YES or NO Specific actions I will take
How do people process change? Review the Change Curve and practice using it by assessing how you went through the last big change you remember. Also, use it to understand where employees are on their current change journey.
Understand the nature of leading change For context, as you lead your change efforts review and understand the fundamental truths of leading change; Successful change is a path, not a process, It’s not the change itself that’s painful, it is the transition. Go slow to go fast. Change is historical. Successful change requires visible champions.
Phase 0 Change Readiness Assessment Are you clear on what problem you’re solving with the change?
Are you avoiding “change drift”?
Do you have a clear vision for the change?
Do you understand, in detail, what policies, processes, and jobs must change, in what way?
Do you know who the owners of the change are?
Do you know how you’ll measure if the change is successful or not?
Conduct a skill, will, hill assessment.
Appreciate the importance of enrolling others early; Get early input from key stakeholders, Create a change coalition.
Phase 1 Evoke enthusiasm for change Transparently express the state of the union and compare it to the desired future.
Articulate the impact the change will personally have on employees
Create “excited” urgency
Anticipate and be prepared to overcome barriers to enthusiasm for change; skepticism, under communicating the change vision, Misinformation, rumors, and fear, Structures or systems that fight the change, Change fatigue.
Phase 2 Move employees to commitment Help employees understand how to change using the BEST guide, the document that details; Behaviors, Expectations, Skills, Training
Foster the Three Circles of Commitment, making employees feel safe, involved, and accountable so that they’ll feel committed.
Conduct one-on-one change conversations with employees
Phase 3 Create new habits 1. Follow the laws of habit change
2. Help develop new routines
3. Keep revisiting what’s at stake
4. Stop the slipping

Source: Scott Mautz -